Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ice and Rest

So yesterday was the seminar with Randy Gardner and Tiffany Crosswhite.  I did 2 hours of off-ice work with Tiffany that included Pilates (killer!) and something like a ballet exercise that was supposed to help strengthen our calf muscles.  With Randy we worked on weight change, and crossovers together, and individually we worked on jumps and spins, where we got scored.
I took a bit of a hard fall on my left knee and I am still trying to recover. Time for a good rest.
Samuel (my littlest brother) is making me laugh. Ouch!!! My tummy muscles are sore too, from the big Pilates session.  My daddy keeps giving me my ice pack and saying Ad astra per aspera (he spelled it for me too)Gonna have to look that one up.

All the best,


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