Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Long, long day

So here is the deal friends: it has been a super long day. I'm beginning to think that the mosquito bites on my face and foot were actually spider bites. Yuck! they are weeping a little bit, but they're starting to get better.  Diane gave me something like peppermint oil (?) to help draw the poison out, or whatever it is that makes them itch, etc. It's working.  Thank you, Diane! Too much information?  My daddy says what everyone really wants is to read about what's going on day to day. So now you know. :)
I'm working on edges and footwork, getting ready for testing.  I'm also working on spins and jumps, but most of the time is all spent on edges right now.  First things first. Time for sleep.

All my best,


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